optimal weave


how to

The play objective is to pursue your character's desires and see how much you can optimize the board-world towards perfection. The real objective, which comes as a result of pursuing the play objective, is to practice dealing with conflict in a lawless place, to learn to weave harmony amid exposed difference.

You may wish to try playing with or without contracts. Contracts are agreements that two players can make where one player will take a -10 point punishment if a specified event occurs, or if they fail to hold up their end of an exchange. With contracts, Optimal Weave can be seen as an anarchic blank canvas onto which players may experiment in scribbling their own laws and learning what works.

As players improve, they should introduce more complex abilities, desires and scenarios. If a player's average score over the past five games they played is above par for their current level, they transcend to the next level.

before the first game

Your land tiles will be sooty from the laser cutting. Wipe the soot off of the edges of your land tiles onto a damp towel.

Separate cards marked with and set them aside for later. These cards are clowns and should only be played for novelty once you're able to understand the delightful ways they disrupt the game.

level 1


Start by assinging everyone so many randomized desire and ability cards, depending on how many players you have, according to the following figure. Take care not to use any cards marked . I think their behaviors make the game a bit too complicated for a first session.

Start by getting to know your own desires, and how they project meaning onto the landscape.

Then get to know everyone else's desires and how they compliment or conflict with yours.

As you do that, depending on how many players there are, throw down down a pile of random land tiles and arrange them and everyones' agents according to this figure:

It's important that no faction's agents start out within immediate reach of another's, as some characters may eat others.

You will start to see things you can do, and other things that you would like to do but cannot. Soon, though, you will each receive many more abilities, as game events, and your options will sprawl.

Game events will also decide when the game ends. Assemble the event deck according to the following figure:

begin play

Each turn, each of a player's pieces can move once, apply an ability once. In any order. Whenever a piece moves or is moved, any objects it's in the same land as can be carried along to the destination. (Objects aren't common, currently. It'll mostly just be corpses for now, and corpses don't need to be transported very often.)

Turns should be limited to 1 minute (everything that's tricky about real world negotiation is about the way it strains under time constraints). After 1 minute, you must carry out your choice. You don't need to be strict about this, though.

At the end of each player's turn, they should draw an event card. If that event card is an ability, they have gained that ability. If it's a "clear" , nothing happens. If it's a "ending" , then the game is over, and it will be time to take your scores and reflect, and talk about what could have been done better.

As you do this, convert your points into reward, which is either fruit or candy or whatever treat you find appropriate, and eat it. We recommend an exchange rate of one date per 8 points (or one dried fig per 12 points). Let players keep leftover points between sessions so that they don't go to waste. If you've won too much reward to eat on your own, you may share the spoils with others. There are many things about the reward system that are wonderful, but one of them is that it makes it very clear how we're supposed to relate to points: You want as much reward as you can get, and it doesn't harm you when other players receive reward. These things may seem obvious given the reward framing, but without it, it can be surprisingly difficult to get board gamers to think of points in this way.

Take a note of your score. If the average of your past 5 games were above 16 (?), that's very good, and you have transcended and become a being of peace, and you may begin to host level 2 games.

To make things easier at first, you may wish to keep your characters' ability cards together for the next game you play. Instead of rerolling an entirely new character, you may prefer to just play a mutation of your previous abilities or desires by replacing a random one with a random new one. It's much easier to orient yourself in a new situation if it's a variation on a scenario you've played recently. Of course, for the purposes of deciding when to move onto level 2, this will make the average scoring less "fair", so factor accordingly.

the mindset of play

A common source of challenges in our cohabitive praxis is managing the mindset of other players. Not all of your players will understand that win-win bargaining is possible, they will carry the mindset of more common zero-sum games where only one player can win, at the expense of making other players lose. This section tells you how to hold and to convey this mindset.

One thing you might like to do is to make score convertible to candy, or dried fruit. The more points you score, the more candy you get. In this framing, it will be obvious to any player that preventing other players from getting candy will not advantage them in any way. Personally, I like a scoring scheme where 6 points can be cashed in for one slice of dried mango.

You might also like to play for dollars. The incentives this introduces would be somewhat complicated by having to maintain a prize pool, but I think it would still work decently. Maintain a pool of 60 dollars. Players get a dollar for each point they score. Each time they play, everyone playing must 'replenish' the pool by paying in an equal share to get it back to 60. This would result in weaker players continually losing small amounts of money in expectation in each game, having to contend with gambling impulses, and it would also make the game essentially zero sum over multiple games, so the usefulness of this approach is limited.

Beyond that, here are some thoughts and sayings that will help you to convey the cohabitive mindset.

"The objective within the game is just to score as much as possible for yourself. The objective outside of the game, in the real world, is to learn the way of negotiation, of confronting difference and striving towards the optimal weave."

"There is such a thing as a perfect compromise."

"The point of the game is to reckon honestly with selfishness and atomization, and then find the sacred patterns of coordination that survive it."

"Bicker all you like, but in the end we will all agree, because there will only be one world, and one history, which we will all have to live through together."

"Reducing others' scores will not increase your own."

"The game is kind of cooperative, but also not. It's cheeky. It's the spicier variety of cooperation."

"More than one person can win."

"You win whenever you get the best feasible outcome for yourself. You lose if you miss opportunities and fall far short of that. If there's war, mutual assured punishments let loose, then everyone has lost."

Don't be too frustrated with players who need to be told these things, for you shall meet such players in life, as well. Relish any opportunity to practice lifting crabs out of their buckets, it's a necessary art.

developer corner

A salve for strife and waste
In these primal lands
It can be found

We're still learning to make Cohabitive games, so let's all explore the cohabitive genre and develop this game and the broader genre together!

I encourage players to look for new interesting variants of play, and to come and tell us what you found in the element channel.

For the explorers, here's a verdant list of ideas we'd be eager to see tried with Optimal Weave 0.1, or in any other brew:

Those are mostly just ideas for Optimal Weave, but if you find any of those interesting, I also encourage you to check out this page of ideas for other cohabitive games.

level 2

After scoring consistently above 15 on level 1, you may "transcend" to level 2.

an agent can only move onto a mountain/volcano if that's the only action it takes on that turn
an agent can only move out of water if that's the only action it takes on that turn
agents cannot go directly from lakes to mountains
voids are impassable and any agent standing on a tomb when it is dissolved into a void will die


A separate game using some of the parts of Optimal Weave.

Ritual Cohabitive is simple but deep. Its purpose is to quickly test the negotiation skills of the table, perhaps as a prelude to an important negotiation, or a new friendship. There's often benefit in exhibiting a demonstration that all participants are capable of good faith negotiation. When there is common knowledge of this, expectations will be heightened, and similar performance will be expected as you continue on into your inevitably foggier real-world collaborations.

Games are brief. At the end of the game, scrutinize and discuss the negotiation outcome. If it was unfair to you, well, that is one thing. But if it was too generous to you, that's a very different thing. Either case is an omen. If playing Ritual Cohabitive causes omens for you, consider playing additional rounds until omens cease.


Setup: Lay out a random board of radius 3 (that's 37 land cards).

Give each player:

Each turn, each player may activate two of their flip actions. (Ignore the rule stating that the player must be standing on the pattern, the player has no earthly agents, in Ritual, and can flip any matching pattern.)

The game goes on for just 4 rounds if there are two players, 3 rounds if there are 3 players or more.

After that, no further actions can be taken, the outcome is determined.


The official names for the teams of agent pieces we've bundled with the game are:

Pearls (or "Glue")
Slimes (or "Frutiger")
Church (or "Sunday")
Sheep (or "Flock")
Figures (or "Lollards")
Cubes (or "Smokes")

What are voids? What are tombs?

Some say that each voidland is a place where a great hole has been torn deep into the earth. Others say that a void represents something more abstract, a wound in the body of justice or memory, festering and cursing its site.

And I've heard some say that tombs are places that a good spirit protects, or monuments to a great act of redemption.

Personally, I think the voids are nuclear wrecks. Failed machines that killed their builders and now spew radiation in every direction. I think the tombs are containment mounds, and if we could build more tombs we would be able to make those lands safe to traverse again.

But I haven't been able to find anyone else who will come work beside the voids with me.

2024. All assets available under GPLv3. dream shrine are open to negotiating other licenses if needed.